csv to gcode converter?
Hi there,
I'm working on a fun-project, which produces a .csv file for visualizing a 2D/3D object in python/matplotlib.
For my sand-table I want to use the 2D data and convert them into gcode. I guess, the best way would be a DWC plugin.Does the heightmap viewer use matplotlib or another plotting tool, I could use as well?
I'd like to know if there's a possibility to read full lines, or is it one datum at a time?
Any pointers, where to look for the heightmap-viewer plugin source code? -
If you have a connectivity graph for the points in the csv, converting to amf or stl should be trivial. Then let a slicer do the conversion to gcode, since the slicers know how to handle layering, surfaces, infill, etc.
Otherwise, it is trivial to do a point-by-point set of moves from the csv to gcode... it takes about 5 lines of python, but you have to figure out speeds, etc.
That's right, I could do the gcode conversion in python. I thought ' I'd have to send them from a Java plugin, but a simpe macro call would do.
I wouldn't care about layers or infill, since the ball(s) of a sand table just meanders around, carving pretty patterns.
Thanks for the tip.