Fan Port destroyed.
Hi, it looks like I destroyed my Fan0 Port. The fan and cabling is fine but fan stays off.
I used only the minus and from another supply +12v.
Is there a possibility to use fan1 Port as parts fan instead of fan0? -
@chefffe yes, if you are using RepRapFirmware 3 then the fan ports are fully interchangeable, you just need to change the config.g file.
Right, I found now the command and its indeed just a change from F0 to F1
. M563 P0 D0 H1 F1
It works so far, I am just curious how the F0 could get grilled with my cabling. I have 5V Fan connected minus from F0 and + from a separate 5V source. The Duet is feeded with 24V.
It is now the 2nd time that with this cabling I got grilled F0 port. It works quite a while until it gets broken.To not damage it again I switched now all my Fans to 5V.
@chefffe the usual reason for fan outputs to fan is that either the output has been shorted, or the fan has been connected with the polarity reversed and it doesn't tolerate that, for example because it has an electrolytic capacitor connected between the wires.
These Reasons will clearly break the fan Port, but I didnt do this. This is proven as the fan was running fine for several weeks until it breaks without touching.
Whatever I assume with 5v fans this issue will not happen again. Thanks so far!