Can I use a "tacho fan" (either with our without tacho mode)
David /Roland
I think I may have found to a possible solution to the heat creep issues that the 5 colour Diamond has by adapting the mount to take a 60mm fan rather than a 50mm fan. This will allow me to get a much higher flow rate at a higher static pressure too. I've managed to source this beast which at around 80 cfm is about 4 times the airflow of what recommend. The thing is, it's a tacho fan with sense and control wires. Can I use it with the Duet? If so, how do I wire it? I don't care about varying the speed - happy for it to run flat out. Oh, and it's 33W, 1.4A but I guess that won't be an issue?
I think it's possible, see
Added and corrected voltage for PWM: If it doesn't rotate just being supplied with 24V/GND at red/black wires you would connect PWM wire (brown) to 5V separate wire . PWM is a control logic signal with 5.25V max level but I think 3.3V will do the job too. -
OK so a quick search of this forum (why didn't I think to do that before) has revealed what I think is the answer but just want to check. So Red and Black wires to 24v supply, control (Brown) to Fan - and ignore the sensor (Yellow). Yes or no?
If you need PWM control then yes connect brown to Fan. If constant driving of the fan is OK then you can leave brown free. Sensor doesn't have matter anyway.
If you use the control wire then I recommend you connect a 1N4148 or similar diode in series with the control wire, cathode to Duet fan output and anode to fan control wire. Increase the F parameter in the M106 command for that fan to 25000.
@dc42: just out of curiosity what is the diode for? Couldn't nMOS switch withstand 24V?
If you use the control wire then I recommend you connect a 1N4148 or similar diode in series with the control wire, cathode to Duet fan output and anode to fan control wire. Increase the F parameter in the M106 command for that fan to 25000.
Thanks David. You said "if you use the control wire" so does that mean I can ignore that too and connect just red and black to the fan connector as normal? Also the spec doesn't say whether it's brushed or brushless. I seem to recall reading something somewhere about using a flyback diode? Do I need to do that too and if so, what diode and where. Board is Duet Ethernet (plus Duex5) BTW
Yes you can just connect red and black as normal and leave the other 2 wires unconnected. No need for a flyback diode because these fans are always brushless - and all production Duet Ethernets have flyback diodes built-in anyway.
Yes you can just connect red and black as normal and leave the other 2 wires unconnected. No need for a flyback diode because these fans are always brushless - and all production Duet Ethernets have flyback diodes built-in anyway.
Brill !. That's what I like - nice and simple.