New Install - Cannot Reach Web Interface
I have not been able to reach the web interface in my Chrome browser, apparently I have a connection problem with WiFi, or my router may be blocking something.
Here is what I have tried:
1. Windows laptop running Windows 7 Home
2. Installed YAP terminal program to communicate with Duet WiFi.
3. Proper lights come on when USB plugged into board (5V, 3,3V, USB power, Diag are on, ESP Prog flashed green once).
4. Connected using YAP to:
Sent M115 to verify software version 1.19 installed
Used M552 S0 to turn on WiFi
Sent M503 and received "; Configuration file for testing Duet Ethernet and Wifi with V1.19 firmware<lf>"</lf>
Used M587 to set network and password
Used M552 S1 to verify access point was correct
Used M552 to confirm connection and obtain IP address
Launched Chrome web browser and entered in address bar -received timeout because there was no response
Launched another Chrome Browser tab and entered received timeout message
Launched another Chrome Browser tab and entered - did connect to the Wiki
5. At this point I restarted laptop and Duet WiFi and repeated above steps with same result.
Any ideas on what I can do to access the web interface? Looks like I cannot do anything without access to the interface. Is it possible to connect to the web interface using the usb connection?
Thanks for your help!
Dick -
What is your Netmask, your Gateway and your normal Ip-Address-Range?
Check that you can ping the Duet, by sending "ping" from a command line on the PC.
Also check that there is a /www folder on your SD card with the Duet Web Control files on it. If yout Duet was supplied with 1.19 or later firmware installed, those files should already be there. If you have upgraded it from 1.18.2 or earlier, then you should delete any existing /www folder, create a new one, and unzip the contents of into it.
Use M552 to check that the IP address is still in case your router changes it.
If you send M111 S1 P1 and M111 S1 P2 from YAT and then try to connect to in your browser, then YAT will display information about network requests received.
@dc42 just got my Duet Ethernet out of the box and I am having the same issue as RetiredinNC. I have been following the guide here. Please see attached screenshots from YAT and the command line. When I send the M552 S1 command after an M552 command, nothing happens (I waited for a few minutes after sending that command) When I send a M552 S0 command, followed by an M552 S1 command, it indicates that the network is running, but I cannot ping the device and cannot reach the web interface by typing the IP address into the my web browser. I know next to nothing about networking and am out of ideas. Thanks for your help.
It looks like your config.g file still contains the commands to set the network parameters that were used when your Duet was tested at the factory. I suggest you remove the M540, M552, M553 and M554 commands from config.g and put just M552 S1 in their place. After starting the Duet, run M552 from YAT to find what IP address your router has allocated to the Duet.
Thanks for the quick reply. Removing these commands from the config.g file would need to be done by plugging the SD card in and modifying the config.g file in notepad, right?
@benwilde said in New Install - Cannot Reach Web Interface:
Thanks for the quick reply. Removing these commands from the config.g file would need to be done by plugging the SD card in and modifying the config.g file in notepad, right?
Yes, until you have the network connection working. So instead you could try sending M552 S0, then M552 P0.0.0.0 and finally M552 S1.
Ok. Great. After entering those commands, It did send back a new IP address. I can now ping that IP address. However, when I enter that IP into the web browser, a blank screen is all I see (chrome). It does seem to reach that address, but there is not web control there. http://duettest.local/ does not work either.
The duettest.local address doesn't work on the Duet Ethernet, only on the Duet WiFi. So use the IP address instead.
The 404 response suggests that the /www folder on the SD card or its contents is missing.
Great. I’ll look into this tomorrow. I need to go buy an adapter so that I can get the micro sd to load into the sd card slot on my laptop. Theres not a better way to access the files, right? It can’t be done through usb, with the card still in the board, right?
@benwilde said in New Install - Cannot Reach Web Interface:
Great. I’ll look into this tomorrow. I need to go buy an adapter so that I can get the micro sd to load into the sd card slot on my laptop. Theres not a better way to access the files, right? It can’t be done through usb, with the card still in the board, right?
There is limited access to the files on the SD card via USB, but it isn't easy to use.
Does your laptop have a full-size SD card slot? If so, have you bought an SD card recently? These days, when you buy an SD card, what you usually get is a micro SDHC card plus an adapter to turn it into a full size card. So if you have a digital camera, you may already have an adapter inside it.
Assuming you bought the Duet as a Duet Ethernet and didn't convert it from a Duet WiFi, it seems odd that it is behaving as if the /www files are missing. Perhaps there is an issue reading the SD card. If you run M503 from YAT, does it list config.g? If you run M122, does it say the SD card is present and the interface speed is 20Mbytes/sec?
I did indeed buy the Duet Ethernet. It is not a conversion. I found a micro sd card reader. I forgot that I had one. The /www folder looks to be in order. I have attached screenshots of the files. I also sent the M122 command, and have attached the screenshot. It seems that the SD card is working fine based on the M122 command. However, when I first started up the board, it went to run config.g and threw and "daemon length overflow" error. Could that be causing the issue?
Update- Web control did indeed come up this time after I reset the IP address. Not sure why it didn’t work before. I will continue working through the quick start guide by editing the config.g file. I haven’t had a chance to mess with this as I had to run out the door right after the web control came up.