Tool changes?
OK, this isn't quite the same as switching to a different printer head for 3D printers, but for changing the end mill in a milling machine.
As the M6 command isn't supported in the Duet3, there must be a way implement changing the end mill, if so required when running a gcode file.
There are a few considerations (anyone can chip in if I've missed any!) when an M6 command is 'found' in the gcode file, and these are:
Retract to a safe height
Turn the spindle off
Spindle is moved to a predetermined XY location (towards the front and centre)- user changes the cutter in the spindle and clicks 'Continue'
Spindle is moved to a predetermined XY location (wherever the tool length probe is - see below)
Z-probe routine is carried out adjusting Z height for changes in tool length (the cutting tip of the tool has to be consistent)
Spindle is moved back to the safe height
Progress continues from the line after the M6 command.On my previous machine, Z height adjustments were made using a microswitch (not an XYZ probe) for the Z axis. Essentially, the spindle is moved down until the cutter operates the switch, then repeats the process more slowly, and adjusted the Z height accordingly.
It would be great if I could achieve this, otherwise I'd need to run a separate toolpath for each cutter!
@nightowl999 Add a M6.g in /sys, put in the code needed for the change, or use the tool change files to do it.
So, essentially write an M6.g file and when the gcode file calls M6, this would run the M6.g as a 'macro' then continue where it left off in the gcode once the M6.g code has completed?Hmm, that's not as complicated as I expected!
Thank you