Stepper motor jog
I have duet2 wifi with reprap3.4 firmware and nema 17 stepper motor.
How do you jog a specific motor at a specific speed without stopping?
What command do you use to stop jogging?Thanks,
Adi -
Do you mean jogging using the buttons on the DWC Dashboard interface?I don't think you can, but you could probably use a gcode construct in the MDI, e.g. G1 Xn Fn?
You will probably need to provide a bit more information so viewers can make an informed response, especially if you want to do it 'programmatically'
@nightowl999 Thanks for your quick response. I would like to send a gcode command that will allow the movement of the motor on a particular axis regularly and non-stop. (I will determine the speed as well)
Additionally, I would like to know what the gcode command is to stop the rotation of the engine
I don't think you'll need to "stop the engine" because the code you use would run once run until the next time.This sounds like you might need a macro which, when you call it, will carry out that specific command, but I think tht would be nigh on impossible if any part of that is varied.
For example, it would be really easy to move the X Axis from X10 to X110 until the cows come home (assuming you've got the space), but if the starting point for X changes, you could have a problem.
Could you be more specific about what you want to achieve, please?
Let make it more simple please.
If I want to run the X-axis motor non-stop.
What command should I use? -
@adistr said in Stepper motor jog:
Let make it more simple please.
If I want to run the X-axis motor non-stop.
What command should I use?The command to move on any given axis specifies the distance to move. The speed specified in the command will determine how long it take to move that distance.
Now it sounds like you don't actually have an X axis that is going to limit the distance moved.
So something like this will do one very long move
M564 H0 S0 ; H0 = allow moving non-homed axes, S0 = do not limit movement to axes min/max values G92 X-99999 ; set the logical X position to the minimum possible value - I don't what what number that actually is G1 X99999 F600 ; move to the maximum possible value at the speed of 10 mm/sec as specified by the F parameter (which is done in mm/minute) You could do that over and over by coding a programmed loop which would do those commands a certain number of times
But I know of no way to move continually.
@adistr said in Stepper motor jog:
If I want to run the X-axis motor non-stop.
That's not really a function of a stepper motor which, by definition, moves in 'steps' (the clue is in the name
I'm still not sure why you'd want to do that, because the X Axis (as they all do) have limited travel distance.
Now, if you want to move the X Axes, type G0 Xnnn in the MDI (nnn being the point you want it to go to) and it will move to that point at the fastest available speed. In Absolute Positioning (G90) it will move relative to the origin of the machine, or Relative Positioning (G91) which will move relative to the last position.
If you have limit switches set up correctly and the travel distances configured accurately, the Duet shouldn't allow you to exceed those limits, as long as you haven't used M564 to allow movement outside the machine's boundaries.
@adistr said in Stepper motor jog:
Let make it more simple please.
If I want to run the X-axis motor non-stop.Simply put: don't use a stepper. LOL
Is this an actual travel axis, or a rotational axis?
Stepper motors aren't meant for continuous operation. That's fundamentally not how they work. Without knowing your application it's hard to say more.
@fcwilt Thanks