6hc RRF config questions
please see photo below
my question is , which microstepping would i use for a 1.8 degree nema 23.. also a 0.9 degree nema 17
my ABL is my Z stop, do i keep this at none? Even though it is a OPTO switch
On my Probe type, deploy and retract are triggered by X +/- movements, the rest is OPTO, is this correct when selecting none?
single extruder, single head printer, what needs to go here, as i have no tools on this printer? or is this considered a tool, it is unclear.
what is the best set up for this at home, we do use DWC on a duet 2 (other printer) i would like this to do the same.
With compensation.....Is there anyone available to help me out 1 on 1, remotely? Is this a service you offer, or just through the forum?
Thank you all in advance.
@rexx I'd be willing to give you a hand. I'll message you privately.
@th0mpyGreat Thanks for the offer I have PM you back thanks for the offer
@rexx said in 6hc RRF config questions:
my question is , which microstepping would i use for a 1.8 degree nema 23.. also a 0.9 degree nema 17
x16 microstepping with interpolation enabled is good in almost all situations. The exception is an extruder with low steps/mm (less than 200) for which x32 or x64 microstepping may be worthwhile.
@dc42 thanks DC42 IC its optinal i was under the impression 1.8 was ### and .9 was ### steppers total rotational counts
what does the enders usualy use for E?