I could use some help
; Drives M569 P0.0 S1 ; physical drive 0.0 goes forwards M569 P0.1 S0 ; physical drive 0.1 goes backwards M569 P0.2 S1 ; physical drive 0.2 goes forwards M569 P0.3 S1 ; physical drive 0.3 goes forwards That is what they are currently. Y is supposed to be going backwards. Does that reverse the jog buttons in DWC?
; homey.g ; called to home the Y axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.10 on Mon Jun 27 2022 12:50:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) G91 G1 H1 Y-360 F3600 G1 Y15 G1 H1 Y-10 F360 G90 G1 Y110 F3600 ; this just moves Y to the centerline of the bed - doesn't matter where - it can be any place at all that suits you. That's what they are currently.
@mac said in I could use some help:
; Drives M569 P0.0 S1 ; physical drive 0.0 goes forwards M569 P0.1 S0 ; physical drive 0.1 goes backwards M569 P0.2 S1 ; physical drive 0.2 goes forwards M569 P0.3 S1 ; physical drive 0.3 goes forwards That is what they are currently. Y is supposed to be going backwards. Does that reverse the jog buttons in DWC?
The setting in M569 affects everything that tries to use the stepper.
If the jog buttons move the axis in the right directions than everything else that tries to move the axis will move the axis in the right directions.
You had the Y jog buttons working yesterday but you also had the endstops working yesterday.
As I understand somehow the settings for the endstops got changed.
Perhaps the setting for M569 for the Y axis got changed?
In any case, just use the jog buttons to move Y. If it moves in the wrong directions just change the S parameter in the M596 for Y, save, re-boot and re-test.
@fcwilt just so you know, I just tried to HOME Y. The bed went to the FRONT of the printer, and pounded on it.
G91 G1 H1 Y-360 F3600 G1 Y15 G1 H1 Y-10 F360 G90 G1 Y110 F3600 ; this just moves Y to the centerline of the bed - doesn't matter where - it can be any place at all that suits you. This is the code that told Y what to do.
@mac Y is showing it's position as 110.0 It is smashed against the tensioning cap.
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt just so you know, I just tried to HOME Y. The bed went to the FRONT of the printer, and pounded on it.
G91 G1 H1 Y-360 F3600 G1 Y15 G1 H1 Y-10 F360 G90 G1 Y110 F3600 ; this just moves Y to the centerline of the bed - doesn't matter where - it can be any place at all that suits you. This is the code that told Y what to do.
Well it sounds like the S setting in the M569 for the Y axis has gotten changed to the wrong value again.
Test with jogging and change the S setting as needed so jogging works.
Then try homing Y again.
M569 P0.1 S0 ; physical drive 0.1 goes backwards
This is what's in the config.g. This makes the jog buttons work correctly.
@mac said in I could use some help:
M569 P0.1 S0 ; physical drive 0.1 goes backwards
This is what's in the config.g. This makes the jog buttons work correctly.
So a minus Y jog move makes the bed move backwards. Correct?
@fcwilt yes, clicking on the jog buttons make them do what they're supposed to do. When you click on < Y-10 the bed goes towards the rear of the printer. When you click on Y+10> the bed goes towards the front of the printer.
However, when the bed gets to what it thinks is 220, it stops.
Shite! I was clicking on the jog buttons. I looked at the Status Display. I was expecting to see Y at almost 220.
Right now the bed is 5/8th of an inch closer to the front of the printer than the back of the printer. And Y in the DWC Status Display reports 0.0.
I moved the bed forwards 3 more times. The display is reporting Y at 80. now
Okay, I told the bed to go back to the rear -50, then -50 again. The bed stopped when Y in the display reached 0.0. So it didn't go the full 50mm the second time, because it can't go into negative territory.
So this tells me why the bed pounded on the front adjustment. It's trying to get to 220, which is about ten inches forwards of the front of the printer.
Where is this coming from? What codes are providing this information to the printer?????
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt yes, clicking on the jog buttons make them do what they're supposed to do. When you click on < Y-10 the bed goes towards the rear of the printer. When you click on Y+10> the bed goes towards the front of the printer.
However, when the bed gets to what it thinks is 220, it stops.
Shite! I was clicking on the jog buttons. I looked at the Status Display. I was expecting to see Y at almost 220.
Right now the bed is 5/8th of an inch closer to the front of the printer than the back of the printer. And Y in the DWC Status Display reports 0.0.
I moved the bed forwards 3 more times. The display is reporting Y at 80. now
Okay, I told the bed to go back to the rear -50, then -50 again. The bed stopped when Y in the display reached 0.0. So it didn't go the full 50mm the second time, because it can't go into negative territory.
So this tells me why the bed pounded on the front adjustment. It's trying to get to 220, which is about ten inches forwards of the front of the printer.
Where is this coming from? What codes are providing this information to the printer?????
It is the homing code that syncs up the physical position of the bed with the logical position.
At the start of the homing code let's assume the firmware has no idea where the bed is.
So the homing code should start moving the bed backwards until it triggers the endstop.
Since the firmware (in theory) knows where the endstop is it now knows where the bed is.
Jogging, even when homing has failed, is going to limit moves, as displayed in the DWC, to the range of 0 to 220, regardless of where the bed actually is.
So the question is, since the jog buttons are working, why isn't the homing work.
Let's try clicking the Home Y button again, please.
It should:
- move back at a medium speed until it triggers the endstop and stop briefly
- move away from the endstop by 15mm
- move back at a slow speed until it triggers the endstop and stop briefly
- move away from the endstop until the bed is more or less in the middle of it's travel and stop
- the DWC should be displaying 110
@fcwilt right now the y's at 0.0. My ruler's telling me the bed's at 9 and 5/8th inches forwards of HOME. What would G1 H1 Y-244 F3600 do? (Currently, in homey.g) the command is G1 H1 Y-360 F3600.
@fcwilt please read my most recent message. It comes right after yours.
; homey.g ; called to home the Y axis ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.10 on Mon Jun 27 2022 12:50:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) G91 G1 H1 Y-360 F3600 G1 Y15 G1 H1 Y-10 F360 G90 G1 Y110 F3600 ; this just moves Y to the centerline of the bed - doesn't matter where - it can be any place at all that suits you. This is the entire homey.g
@fcwilt In the Status Display, Y is at 0.0. It's already "Home." It can't go into negative territory.
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt right now the y's at 0.0. My ruler's telling me the bed's at 9 and 5/8th inches forwards of HOME. What would G1 H1 Y-244 F3600 do? (Currently, in homey.g) the command is G1 H1 Y-360 F3600.
In relative mode (G91) a G1 H1 Y-244 command would move until the endstop triggered OR until the move has covered the distance specified, in this case by the Y parameter of 244mm.
If you did G91 then G1 H1 Y-10 it would only move 10mm "looking" for the endstop to trigger.
So normally the first G1 H1 move in the homing code specifies a distance to be sure the move covers the entire length of the axis while "looking" for the endstop to trigger.
The Y-360 is 10mm more than the distance of 350 that you determined to be the max travel on the Y axis.
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt In the Status Display, Y is at 0.0. It's already "Home." It can't go into negative territory.
Since G1 H1 moves are intended to be used to home and homing is done with the assumption that the actual positions of the axes are unknown, the G1 H1 moves ignore the M208 limits and try to move the specified amount.
This can mean if the move is away from the endstop or the endstop is not working the move can encounter the end of travel but keep right on trying to complete the move.
@fcwilt I homed again, it went forwards again, and smashed into the adjustment cap again.
@fcwilt what if I change the Y-360 to Y 360?
What if I change the code to what's below?
G1 H1 Y 360 F3600 G1 Y15 G1 H1 Y=10 F360 G90 G1 Y110 F3600 -
@mac said in I could use some help:
@fcwilt I homed again, it went forwards again, and smashed into the adjustment cap again.
This makes no sense at all.
OK here is a thought. Perhaps the forwards move is the G1 Y110 at the end of the file.
So lets try this:
- jog the bed back to somewhere in the middle of it's travel
- execute a G91
- execute a G1 H1 Y-10 which should be a 10mm move. It's not far enough to smack into anything but it will tell us in what direction the G1 H1 Y-10 command moves the bed.