Duet2 RepRap v3 vs Duet3 RepRap v3
I recently upgraded my Duet2 to RepRap v3, and haven't noticed any big differences in usability, at least looking at DWC...
I am using a RPi to control the Duet3 and assumed at the very least the Duet2 would feel slower, but over all it does not.
I also see plugins I didn't expect to see working on the Duet2 (good surprise).
Other than it being easier update Duet3 and uploading large gcode files are faster, are there any real differences between Duet3 and Duet2 in regards to use? (not including hardware differences like CAN on Duet3). -
Duet3D and dc42 have gone to great lengths to keep Duet2 boards working well. There was a discussion about removing some of the rarely used kinematics from Duet2 builds to make space for future features. So unless those are kinematics you need, Duet2 will still provide and continues to be a feature-competetive board. I.e., there is no need to upgrade if you have one that serves your requirements.
For new machines, I'd probably opt for Duet3 mini over Duet2 just because of the expandability options. Duet3 6HC is a bit over the top for most printers, but may be a better pick than Duet2 for CNC mills and the like.
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