Delta twisted Prints
That means it's probably due to different settings for motor current, speed, acceleration or jerk. But just in case there is a firmware issue, run M122 and check the "Step errors" field.
I suggest that for now you try 6000mm/min max speed (M203), 1000mm/sec^2 max acceleration (M201), and 600mm/min max jerk (M566) until this is sorted.
I suggest also you do the calculation at … e_you_need to check that you are not trying to move the motors too fast.
0.033mm deviation isn't too bad. Mine was a lot worse than that before I changed to the smart effector and magnetic rods.
0 Step errors, changed to the settings recommended now the lowest deviation I can get is .039 instead of .033 but the twisting is almost gone. It is still there but barely and nowhere near as much as it was.