Ender 3 mesh grid offset
@infiniteloop So first I have to be able to calibrate everything to have everything in "green" and be able to lay down the first 1-2 layers perfectly without having issues and only THEN should I use the mesh to start compensating?
So first I have to be able to calibrate everything
Exactly. You can use mesh levelling to compensate for a slightly uneven bed, but it won’t cure a tilting bed (which tends to be quite common due to the central guidance of the Y axis). Same is true for all other V rollers if not carefully adjusted.
Please note that I don’t talk of a perfect first layer - I just know that the printer’s mechanics are good enough to get a first layer to stick on the bed. Then, if the printer is well adjusted, mesh levelling ensures good quality prints.
@infiniteloop @jay_s_uk Thank you both for the help! After some troubleshooting I found out that the top two rollers in fact DO have some dimples on them, so I ordered new ones from aliexpress. Also I made sure to balance the bed as well as I can. I hear a bit strange sound sometimes during printing, like someone was pounding on the table very slightly, but I couldn't identify the source.
Anyways, now the printer works well enough, of course because of the rollers there are imperfections, but I hope those will go away as soon as I install the new ones.
Thank you once again!
@re_tour Thanks for looking twice: It is almost impossible to diagnose a specific component from a distance, so I’m glad you found the culprits.
I hear a bit strange sound sometimes during printing, like someone was pounding on the table very slightly …
Hm, sounds familiar