Current printer status
I'm trying to find some meta command that can give me the printer status.
The idea is for it to be used in mesh.g. If the printer is printing/print job has been started, i want it to do one task(probe just the print area). And if it ain't a active print i want it to do another action (probe the default/full bed).
I tried
if state:status = "idle" ; full bed probing macro elif state:status = "processing" ; print area bed probing macro else echo "Something unforseen happened" ^ state:status ^
But that way of doing it dont work (am i formating itwrong?)
Yeah sorry i meant to use "." BUT, that's not working
The specific code i'm trying to run is:
; Printer is idle, new default mesh will be probed if state.status = "idle" ; printer is idle, new default mesh will be probed G29 S0 ; probe the bed, save height map to heightmap.csv and enable compensation G29 S3 P"default_heightmap.csv" ; Save the current height map to file "full_heightmap.csv" G29 S1 P"default_heightmap.csv" ; Load height map file "full_heightmap.csv" and enable mesh bed compensation elif state.status = "processing" ; printer is processing, new adaptive mesh will be probed G29 S0 ; probe the bed, save height map to heightmap.csv and enable compensation G29 S3 P"adaptive_heightmap.csv" ; Save the current height map to file "full_heightmap.csv" G29 S1 P"adaptive_heightmap.csv" ; Load height map file "full_heightmap.csv" and enable mesh bed compensation
It looks like i've found out where i did wrong, the state changes to "busy" when i start the macro. Changed "idle" to "busy" now and it seems to behaving like inteded!