@T3P3Tony I don't know to be honest, i can check that later.
I had a glance at the print before work today, and the artifacts is up in front again with that perimiter order. They are however not as visible as the prior ones.
I'll take some pictures and gcode snippets after work.
Ok, so here's a picture of print from last night:

And the complete g-code file as well, i can't see anything funky tbh.
At least no G2/G3 moves in the corners/where they shouldn't be.
It does a tiny "inner wall" right before the outer perimiter on every layer that might cause some issues, If you look at the code from for instance line 12249 until line 12268 for instance,
I've tried different ways to "filter out" that little wall now but i can't remove it, so i can't test if that's the issue. However, if it was cause by the quick sucession of retract,unretract,tiny extruision, retract & unretract it should have been removed when I set FW retraction to 0mm.