Why does expansion board not include CAN-FD BUS cable?
Main board includes a pretty useless large flat cable but 3hc board does not include any cable at all..
and I cant find one.
correction, looks like it is rj12. maybe home depot has it.
Because whatever length cable we included would be either too short or too long in most cases.
For those in the UK and some other countries we suggest "High speed ADSL/VDSL" cables such as the high speed one here https://www.kenable.co.uk/en/107-adsl-rj11-cables (the high speed ones are twisted pair, the others are not). For short distances, flat RJ11 cables can be used, but they must be straight through not crossed. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Machine_configuration/CAN_connection#cables.
I'm guessing you are in the US. A search on amazon.com for "rj11 cable" returned some cables that look suitable.