filamentPresent not working with simple switch.
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up the macro files in this thread Re: Single Macro for filament handling?.
I am using a simple filament switch. The issue I am having is the object model sensors.filamentMonitors[0].filamentPresent returns a null value when querying it with M409. If I query sensors.filamentMonitors[0].status I receive either "ok" or "noFilament". The issue is, I can't use this in the if statement. Is there something I am doing wrong here? I thought the filamentPresent key would work correctly, or is that only for the laser filament monitor or the rotating magnet filament monitor?
Thank you
filamentPresent is for laser filament monitors status
if sensors.filamentMonitors[0].status="noFilament" echo "No filament" ;do some stuff else echo "Filament loaded" ; do some other stuff