Filamentspool Rewinder
I would like to build a filament rewinder and I am thinking about using a Duet3 Mini5 for the control.
My consideration is the following.I would configure the stepper for the winder as an extruder and the stepper for the slider as an X axis.
To determine the winding width of the spool I would assign 2 endstops to the X stepper. Xmin. and Xmax. Between these two endstops, the slider should move and deposit the filament on the spool.
Can the board be used for my project?
How many steppers and endstops do you need in total?
I need 2 end stops. Both for one axis. Over this the coil width is determined.
In total I need one stepper for the slider and 2 for the winder. -
I mean for the entire machine. Does the mini5+ have enough for what you want to do?
There are enough connections, I'm just thinking how to configure it.
The slider and the winder should run until I stop.
The slider should drive into the left end stop, then reverse and drive into the right end stop and back again.
I have thought about realizing this via a macro.