Conditional move commands with safety relay
I've added a door lock that controls a safety relay. When the door to the printer is opened, a relay that powers all the servos is disabled. I've got a signal wire connected back to the duet via an io header. I'd like to display a message to the user if motion is attempted with the door open. For instance, the user pauses a print, opens the door, and then tries to manually move an axis with the door still open. I'd like a message to popup first that says "Door open. Motion disabled." Is this possible?
You could disable/enable the drives via a trigger using the door switch, but that won't allow a configurable message that appears only when they attempt a move.
About the only "hack" I can think of is to try reducing the current to the drive so that any move would cause a stall and in your driver-stall.g display a message based on whether the door was open.
You would then have to force a re-home though.