Jerk settings at different speeds
Does jerk settings depend on how fast I want to print? I did as test with a low quality stl. Jerk 25 mm/s looks good at 125 mm/s speed, but if I slow speed down by 50%, print quality decreases (top 10 layers of the part). STL is not in a good quality, so as I understand at low speed the print quality would be pretty decent, but I am trying to understand how fast printing works. ArcWelder does not help, maybe I have installed it in the wrong way, idk.
Also, bottom part looks good on one side, but a bit less good on other side of the part - this is a mechanical issue?
@Arminas In other word, is there a jerk setting that is good for both slower and faster printing speed, and for both high and low resolution stl's?
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