RepRapFirmware on Adafruit Feather M4 CAN Express
Hello everyone,
I am trying to deepen my understanding of the DUET3D firmware. I would like to be able to put the RepRapFirmware on an Adafruit Feather M4 CAN Express and communicate through the can bus with the rest of the DUET3D ecosystem. Just like the Duet 3 Roto Toolboard the Feather M4 also has an ATSAME51 so I thought I would be able to put that firmware on the Feather. When building the Firmware I just can't find the option to build for the Roto Toolboard. Is there an option for that somewere else or is It not an option?
My second question is that when I try to build the firmware for example for the DUET3_MB6HC I get multiple wifi related errors. Is there something I can do to resolve this?
thank you in advance!
@Jords27 See for detailed build instructions, make sure you have the right branches checked out. I haven't looked at the exact specs of your board but if the processor is the same, you may be able to port it. Toolboard firmware is in the Duet3Expansion repo.
@chrishamm Thank you for your response. I have looked at that github page and followed of those steps. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the Duet3Expansion repo. If you or somewone else could show me then that would be awesome.
I also still get those wifi errors when building for the DUET3_MB6HC as shown in the picture so does somewone know how to resolve that?
@Jords27 the expansion board firmware is here
@Jords27 to build RRF 3.5 you now need branch 'main' of project WiFiSocketServer RTOS in your workspace, instead of project DuetWiFiSocketServer.