Mesh probing the bed.
Hello! Im having problem with mesh probing. it starts all good, but when the probing progress, it starts to get closer and closer to bed. it stops when the probe already touch the bed and then " G29
Error: G29: Probe already triggered before probing move started"; Z probe
M558 P8 C"^" H10 F1000 T2000
G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X0:368 Y0:275 S20 ; Define mesh gridThere is picture with "allgood" heightmap, so bed is not warped or that bad. I somehow managed to get that proper map, but nowadays its like impossible to get good map.
@LuniLAB Can it be that your feedrates are a bit high?
Is it a delta? According to the square bed, i think not...
Can your printer reach this fast z-movement?