Duet3D Offline Documentation
Hi !
Is there a way to download the Duet documentation offline, that is to view https://docs.duet3d.com on a computer not connected to the internet, or at least the page https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes
I'm working on computers and machines that are not connected to the internet (and never will be), and I often need access to the documentation when I work on the machines. Additionnaly, I can't have my phone with me at work so everytime I need access to the documentation I have to go back to my desk which is on the other side of the building.
I tried to "print to pdf" the duet documentation but it does not come out nicely and the link are not clickable anymore.
Is there a way to compile or download cleanly some pages of the documentation so I can have them on these offline computer ? I do not mind having to update these file regularly manually.
I did not find any previous topic about this so there are two reasons:
- it already exists and I just don't know where it is available
- I'm the only one that need something like this
@Shoki As far as I'm aware there's no way to download the whole wiki. You can save individual pages as pdfs (they come out okay for me, though the tabbed content doesn't work) or html web pages (in Firefox I chose "Save webpage as..." > "HTML, complete", though again tabbed content doesn't work). Why do you need clickable links if you're not going to be connected to the internet?!
The pages are formatted in markdown, so I can supply you with a text file of the page, and you could view it in an offline markdown viewer. Note that pages, and particularly the Gcode dictionary page, are frequently updated.