[3.6.0-beta.3+1] Extruder stall detection
@T3P3Tony Understood. Thank you for the clarification. I will wait
undefined Leonard03 has marked this topic as solved
@Leonard03 did extruder stall detection work for you in firmware 3.5.x ?
undefined dc42 has marked this topic as unsolved
@Leonard03 for clarification: extruder stall detection does work for the purposes of using an extruder stall to load filament using a G1 H1 Exxx command. Such a use of stall detection does not raise an event.
undefined dc42 has marked this topic as solved
I have updated https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/issues/930 with info on how to determine whether a G1 H1 E move was terminated by an extruder stall or not.
I am sorry for the long time not saying anything. Sadly, even with the 3.6.0-beta.4 the extruder stall detection not seem to work. As stall detection is unavailable for the extruder.
I have this macro to test this:
M17 E0 M302 P1 M913 E40 T0 P0 M83 M915 E0 S-60 H10 R0 F0 var ex0pos = move.extruders[0].position G1 E-1 F1200 ; small E move of more than 1 full step to ensure that the extruder is not stalled G4 P250 G1 H1 E67 M400 if (move.extruders[0].position - var.ex0pos < 67) echo "Extrusion stopped by stall" else echo "Extrusion completed without stalling" echo "diff:", move.extruders[0].position - var.ex0pos M915 E0 M913 E100
No mater the M915 parameters, if driver 3 (in my case) is assigned to an extruder, stall detection does not trigger. If the same driver is assigned to an axis (eg V) stall detection is trigger immediately without any move
By the way, for the M915 parameters,E0
sets the correct parameters butP3
don't -
undefined T3P3Tony has marked this topic as unsolved
Another update.
I don't know if is relevant for this issue or not but an observation. Using the macro above, even if cold extrusion is disabled and heater is below minimum extrusion temperature, extruder motor still executes the move, even if DWC report the error "Warning: Tool 0 was not driven because its heater temperatures were not high enough or it has a heater fault"
RRF 3.6.0-rc.1+1 (2025-03-07 09:35:55) -
@Leonard03 have you tested extruder stall detection in RRF 3.6.0-rc,1+1 or rc.1+2 (available at https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/y03luwmbypirbxncla3rk/AAJFLPFsVdFylemyhkXsAac?rlkey=7cq4svp4rzl2ztdffpzq2ghjk&dl=0) ?
@dc42 Yes, now I have
3.6.0-rc.1+2 (2025-03-15 15:41:04)
with the same results.
But at tis point, I can confirm that theG1 H1 Exx
ignores theM302
command -
Is there any update for this?
@Leonard03 I've just re-tested it on Duet 2 and it is working for me. However, I discovered that stall detection can fail if you use M584 to map both an axis and an extruder to the same drive. For example, if I map both Y and E0 to the same drive in a single M584 command, then I can't get the drive to stall when I do a Y homing move. The reason is that the driver has recorded that it is handling the E axis (because E is processed later than Y in the M584 command), so when it stalls, it registers that the E drive has stalled instead of the Y drive. G1 H1 E moves do stop correctly when the drive stalls.
If I then send a M584 command to map Y to the same driver, then the drive records that it belongs to the Y axis; so G1 H1 Y moves stop on stall but G1 H1 E moves don't.
Does this explain the issue you have experienced?
I have created https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/issues/1098.
@dc42 Thank you for revisiting this problem. The sad part is that the extruder is assigned only to the driver 3. I use a macro that remaps the drivers just before that, but at the end, it splits them apart again. V axis on driver 6 and extruder on driver 3. But this seems that don't mater. Running my test macro from above right after an fresh start yields to the same problem.
But if I use the driver 3 for an axis instead of an extruder, stall detection works.
a side note, during a long move, in a M122 report, driver 3 as the extruder report its SG value as not available -
@Leonard03 one other thing to check is that when you send M915 P3 the minimum fullsteps/sec that it reports and the corresponding speed that it reports immediately after that in brackets match, taking into account the configured microstepping and steps/mm.
@dc42 I'm sorry.. I tried to calculate the value but failed.. my apologies
My configuration is this:
Steps/mm for the extruder is 415
Microstepping at 16x
Using G1 H1 F600, 10mm/min, right?
The response from `M915 P3 is:M915 P3 Driver 3: stall threshold 7, filter off, full steps/sec 210 (8.1 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: raise event
from 210 to 10 gives(0.4 mm/sec)
Now using
Well.. got now an update:
Using only X Y dual Z and the extruder.. MMU/Multitool and UVW axis disabled extruder stall works!@dc42 said in [3.6.0-beta.3+1] Extruder stall detection:
for clarification: extruder stall detection does work for the purposes of using an extruder stall to load filament using a G1 H1 Exxx command. Such a use of stall detection does not raise an event.
Seems like the extruder can rise an stall event indeed. Tried now and worked using the
parameter in M915 command. This is not only good. Is perfect!
Works together with the macro you wrote in the issue #930Now, similarly as in one of my previous thread.. what`s wrong to use more then X Y Z?
In my case means disabling the MMU/Multitool setup and the UVW axisNow even extruding using the DWC extrude/retract buttons are rising an stall event. Wow..
@dc42 Found the problem. Is about
M584 E3:3:3:3:3
. Virtual extruders give this problem.
Reducing this toM584 E3
and redefining all five tools to use extruder 0 works.
In my setup I use virtual extruder so I can use different filament configurations per MMU slot.
Virtual extruders affects even M302 command to deny cold extrusion. Sending a 'G1 H1 E20' with the nozzle at room temperature still works even if a the warning is rised in dwc -
@Leonard03 said in [3.6.0-beta.3+1] Extruder stall detection:
In my setup I use virtual extruder so I can use different filament configurations per MMU slot.
Thu usual approach would be to use M563 to define a separate tool for each filament slot. Tools can share extruders.
@dc42 that is exactly my setup
M584 X0 ; set drive mapping for X axis M584 Y1 ; set drive mapping for Y axis M584 Z2:4 ; set drive mapping for Z axis (dual independent) if global.MMUmode = true M584 E3:3:3:3:3 ; set drive mapping for virtual extruders M584 U5 ; set drive mapping for U axis (MMU selector) M584 V6 ; set drive mapping for V axis (MMU pulley) M584 W7 R1 S1 ; set drive mapping for W axis (MMU idler) else M584 E3 ; set drive mapping for extruder
; Tools if global.MMUmode = false M563 P0 D0 H1 F0 ; define tool 0 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 0 axis offsets M568 P0 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C elif global.MMUmode = true M563 P0 D0 H1 F0 ; define tool 0 G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 0 axis offsets M568 P0 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C M563 P1 D1 H1 F0 ; define tool 1 G10 P1 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 1 axis offsets M568 P1 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 1 active and standby temperatures to 0C M563 P2 D2 H1 F0 ; define tool 2 G10 P2 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 2 axis offsets M568 P2 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 2 active and standby temperatures to 0C M563 P3 D3 H1 F0 ; define tool 3 G10 P3 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 3 axis offsets M568 P3 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 3 active and standby temperatures to 0C M563 P4 D4 H1 F0 ; define tool 4 G10 P4 X0 Y0 Z0 ; set tool 4 axis offsets M568 P4 R0 S0 A0 ; set initial tool 4 active and standby temperatures to 0C
Those are from my config. But for some reason, sharing the extruder between tools messes something up
@Leonard03 it looks like you have set up every tool has its own extruder. Is that really the case, or do they all use a common extruder? Or do you have a single common extruder close to the hot end, and an individual extruder for each filament spool to feed filament into the MMU?
@dc42 The MMU is basically a multiplexer. It has no extruders assigned to it. Just moving 3 axis (UVW) to send filament from the selected slot (defined as a tool) to the extruder. It feeds filaments from 0-4 to the same direct dirve extruder.
After that tool change, it disengage the filament and the extruder goes to print with the loaded filament.
I can get away defining only one extruder with the M584. In this case, everything works as expected, but the downside is that i can assign only one filament config to all MMU slots.@dc42 said in [3.6.0-beta.3+1] Extruder stall detection:
it looks like you have set up every tool has its own extruder.
I think so. Every tool has its own extruder, but all extruders are using the same driver (3) and the same physical extruder
@Leonard03 said in [3.6.0-beta.3+1] Extruder stall detection:
I can get away defining only one extruder with the M584. In this case, everything works as expected, but the downside is that i can assign only one filament config to all MMU slots.
No, you can define multiple tools using the same extruder and each tool can have a different filament configuration.