Test Print 2
Need help on a couple of questions, I was wanting to run the test print 2 to see if my printer
is alive or still dead.Do I have to edit it to match my configuration or is it good to go, when I tried it ran the nozzle into the bed?
I see in the file "G1 S2 X-3 Y-3 Z-3 ; move all carriages down 3mm"
If I do a Z-3 that wil surely ram the nozzle into the bed seeing its at z1.0 or I am wrong again?I also have a question bed compensation and that is if I can exclude it.
This is because using it I get strange readings.
So I tried to see from zero what the readings are.Example:
X25 Y25
G30 S-1 I get Z1.0mmNow if I got to the opposite corner
ans send
G30 S-1 I get Z.1.19
G30 S-1 I get Z.1.0Then I tried the test and it failed.
Update found the "Checking the trigger height" and did the test the results aren't perfect but close.
Only thing is doing it this why it triggers at around 3.1 mm and not like I wrote abive when I use that procedure where I get 1.0 mm -
G1 S1 and G1 S2 moves are done without limit checking, therefore you need to satisfy yourself that you won't damage the printer before you make them (but G1 S1 moves will be terminated when the appropriate endstops are triggered).
Your test suggests that without bed compensation, your bed is out of level between the two corners by 0.19mm.
G1 S1 and G1 S2 moves are done without limit checking, therefore you need to satisfy yourself that you won't damage the printer before you make them (but G1 S1 moves will be terminates when the appropriate endstops are triggered).
Your test suggests that without bed compensation, your bed is out of level between the two corners by 0.19mm.
This true when I run G1 S-1 after testing the first corner, but if I send again M561 the G30 the G1 S-1 I get 1.0 is this wrong then?
When I run auto bed conpensation I get very different readings with large differences.When I finally start to understand one thing I find two more which I do not understand. ARGHH
Will try and edit the testprint file.
This true when I run G1 S-1 after testing the first corner, but if I send again M561 the G30 the G1 S-1 I get 1.0 is this wrong then?
Perhaps you are doing Z homing in that corner, using the Z probe? If so than when you do mesh bed probing to apply bed compensation, it won't need to apply any compensation to that corner because the height is already correct there.
Yes thats tru I am using the Z probe so if I do it first int one corner then the other I am doing the Z homing twice in different places.
Best I try the "Checking the trigger height" in diffenret places and get back with the results.
Thanks for now.
I suggest you do Z homing in the centre of the bed. That way, bed compensation will only be important when doing large prints.
OK will do so.
Can someone please send me a test print for a cube?
I am trying to print a cube I did in craftware but as it is the first time
i have something wrong as it is over extruding,If someone can give me a file to try and see if its the printer or the file i made.