New releases
Is there any way to subscribe for notifications when new releases of Duet/PanelDue firmware occur?
Subscribing to the Firmware installation thread would work but it is quite a busy thread and, much as I love hearing about problems with CNC machines and routing issues, I'd rather just know that, for example RC5 has been released.
A firmware notification can be useful.
This forum is your best option - as discussed a few times already.
You can also subscribe this atom feed from GitHub: -
As my post mentions this is a busy forum and spotting a valid release post can be tricky.
I can’t find the previous discussions but I can say that, for me, the forum is definitely not the best (or even a good) option.
Because of the way the forum works announcement posts quickly get swamped and older ones resurface.
I haven’t been able to get the atom feed to work but I suspect that would probably send me ext a notifications when interim checkins occur.
I’m not asking for anything complex, just a folder/thread where only DC can post that only has release notifications. Anyone who’s interested can then subscribe to that thread and only receive release notifications without a side order of FTP settings, M25 errors and and Raspberry Pi.
The forum will be moving to different software soon, and when that happens it may well be easier to implement something along these lines. Meanwhile I suggest you check at intervals.
If you have a smart phone (Iphone or Android) there is a free app called Feeder that you can use to subscribe to the atom github feed (, and then when it changes you'll get a push notification to inform you of new firmware.