Using Z-max end stop for resurrect prologue
I'm looking at resurrect after power down at my core xy hevo. I have a z-max endstop and a IR z-probe.
Until now I use the z-probe as z-min endstop.
However for the resurrect-prologue I want to lower the bed until z-max endstop. How would I do that?in config.g I can set
M574 Z1 S2 to use the z-probe as z-min endstopI could then lower the z bed until it hiys the z-max end stop en note the z position: let's cal it Zmax
When I then, after a power down, in the resurrect-prologue set
M574 Z2 S1 use max-z endstop
G1 S0 Z-300 go to z-max endstop
G92 ZZmax
M574 Z1 S2 revert to using z probe
And then do the rest of the resurrect, would that work?? would that get me at the correct z-height in order to resume printing after power down?
Alex -
If you normally use the Z probe for Z homing, and you use G30 commands in homez.g and homeall.g to do Z homing (which is the correct way when using a Z probe to home Z), then you can use M574 Z2 S1 in config.g and never change it.
This line in resurrect-prologue.g:
G1 S0 Z-300 go to z-max endstop
should be:
G1 S1 Z300 go to z-max endstop
You don't need the G92 Zmax command, instead set the M208 S0 Z parameter to the Z value at which the endstop switch triggers.
Thanks. That helped a lot…
And also thanks for all support. It show that you get what you pay for:) -
One more question regarding M208 S0 to set the zmax endstop height.. When I run auto bed level/mesh grid after e.g. changed the bed level screws..the height will be different. Is it G32 I use to move to Zmax and calculate the correct Zmax height. And how does that work with the bed.g file ?bed.g replaces G32 or is it executed after G32?
Here's a way to set the ZMax height (needs 1.20 or later firmware)
1. Home the printer as normal, with Z homing done by G30.
2. Send G1 S3 Z300 Fxxx to run Z up to the max endstop (if you prefer you can jog Z up most of the way first if that is faster). The S3 makes it stop when the endstop is triggered, but instead of resetting the Z position to the M208 value, it does the opposite.
3. Either send M500 to save the new M208 value in config-override.g, or send M208 to get a readout and edit the new value into config.g.
brilliant, thanks again!