Emergency stop configuration
I have an emergency stop button connected to the E2 endstop (signal/gnd) and this line in config.g:
[c];Emergency Stop
M581 E2 S1 T0 C0[/c]the board does not reset when pressing the button, what am I missing ?
Use S0 (active low) instead of S1 (active high). For fastest response, don't use an endstop input on a DueX expansion board. If you are connecting the switch direct to an endstop input on the expansion connector, use firmware 1.21.
I dont have DueX expansion board, the emergency button is connected to the second extruder endstop input
ok got it..I have to use E1 not E2.
How to make the board work again after the Emergency button is disengaged without touching the STOP button on the lcd? -
Power it off and on again, or press the reset button.