LED problem, FANs work debug help
First I should start out by saying my smart effector was working perfectly until a recent event in which ninjaflex bunched up and actually snapped the cooling fan off the smart effector…long story...anyways, put everything together and inspected the board and everything seemed ok. The smart effector is working 100% perfectly except white LEDs are no longer on even when the cooling fans are on. Any idea which component may have been damaged? I can start probing around and digging once it is done printing but wasn't sure if others have seen this.
Most likely one of the LEDs has been damaged or one side of one LED is no longer soldered to the board. The only other components in that circuit are R8 and R9. R9 is bypassed if you have the jumper in the 12V position. See https://github.com/T3P3/SmartEffector/blob/master/SmartEffector/SmartEffector_v1.3/SmartEffector_Schematic_v1.3.pdf for the schematic.
Thanks DC, you are right. Upon closer inspection one of the LEDs chipped. Missed it the first time. Easy enough to replace. Do you know the part number is for the LEDs used so I can replace it? I don't see the BOM as part of the documentation. If not, I will just replace all three so they at least put off the same light.
Someone asked the same question yesterday here https://www.duet3d.com/forum/thread.php?pid=43771#p43771 and Tony answered it.
Thanks again!