Macros with dialogs on the touchscreen
Hi all,
I read somewhere in the forums that macro's that depend on user input are not yet possible. However, when I for example start the following sequence, the user is asked for their input.
G1 X0 Y0 F6000
M291 P"Please wait while the nozzle is being heated up" R"Loading MP PLA" S0 T0 ; Display message
G10 S200 ; Set current tool temperature to 200C
M116 ; Wait for the temperatures to be reached
M291 P"Please insert filament and confirm..." R"Insert MP PLA" S3 T0 ; Display new message
M292 ; Continue loading
M291 P"Feeding filament..." R"Loading MP PLA" S0 T0 ; Display new message
G1 E10 F600 ; Feed 10mm of filament at 600mm/min
G1 E30 F300 ; Feed 20mm of filament at 300mm/min
G4 P1000 ; Wait one second
;G1 E-10 F1800 ; Retract 10mm of filament at 1800mm/min
M400 ; Wait for moves to complete
M292 ; Hide the message
G10 S0 ; Turn off the heater again
G28 X YHowever, the user input part only works through the web interface. Is there any way I can use the Duet display for this?
Yes, but you need to use latest PanelDue firmware to have support for M291 dialogs.