Calibrating a large delta
@dc42 I am pretty sure is right within half a millimeter
I am using magnetic rods articulated on 10mm steel spheres.From one end of the sphere to the other end of the sphere is 1155mm - 10mm = 1145 (I am subtracting 5mm from each sphere as the centre of rotation is given by the radius of the 10mm sphere which is 5)
I am getting better result, or maybe its just an illusion, with the Radius manually adjusted instead of using the R values proposed by the automatic probing, why ?
Automatic calibration minimises the sums of the squares of the height errors. So for good results the probe points should cover all areas of the bed. How many probe points did you use, and how were they distributed?
the probing points are generated by the wizard using radius 500mm as input (for 1000mm printable area)
@paboman said in Calibrating a large delta:
I am using magnetic rods articulated on 10mm steel spheres.
From one end of the sphere to the other end of the sphere is 1155mm - 10mm = 1145 (I am subtracting 5mm from each sphere as the centre of rotation is given by the radius of the 10mm sphere which is 5)
1145 sounds correct if YOU MEASURED 1155 to the "outer" part of the spheres.
If you obtained a measurement from the manufacturer of your rods, they are NORMALLY labeled "joint center to joint center" and the subtraction would be incorrect.
@danal they are manufactured by myself and yes 1155 mm is the distance between the outer part of the spheres
@paboman said in Calibrating a large delta:
@danal they are manufactured by myself and yes 1155 mm is the distance between the outer part of the spheres
When it is convenient, it would be really cool to see some pictures. There's a few pics of my 600 Dia x 600 Z Delta if you scroll down on this blog:
@dc42 To use the saved mesh grid I understand that I need to add G92 S1 in the config.g, is that right ?
@paboman said in Calibrating a large delta:
@dc42 To use the saved mesh grid I understand that I need to add G92 S1 in the config.g, is that right ?
It's better to include it at the end of your homeall.g file, or in your slicer start GCode.
do you mean Homedelta.g ?
I am not sure the height map is loaded properly as I still get the nozzle too high where the heightmap is showing more distance.
; Z-Probe M558 P5 H10 F600 T6000 I1 ; Set Z probe type to switch and the dive height + speeds (was P5) G31 P600 X0 Y0 Z12.20 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height M557 R500 S50 ; Define mesh grid R= probe Radius S= Mesh Spacing
; homedelta.g ; called to home all towers on a delta printer ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Sun Feb 25 2018 16:19:34 GMT+0100 (ora solare Europa occidentale) G91 ; relative positioning G1 S1 X2500 Y2500 Z2500 F6000 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops (first pass) G1 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F1800 S2 ; go down a few mm G1 S1 X10 Y10 Z10 F360 ; move all towers up once more (second pass) G1 Z-5 F1000 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred G90 ; absolute positioning G1 X0 Y0 F1000 ; move X+Y to the centre G92 S1 ; Load Heightmap
; bed.g ; called to perform automatic delta calibration via G32 M561 ; clear any bed transform ; bed.g file for RepRapFirmware, generated by Escher3D calculator ; 16 points, 6 factors, probing radius: 500, probe offset (0, 0) ;The value of each H parameter should be (probe trigger height at that XY position) - (probe trigger height at centre of bed). G28 G30 P0 X0.00 Y500.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P1 X321.39 Y383.02 Z-99999 H0 G30 P2 X492.40 Y86.82 Z-99999 H0 G30 P3 X433.01 Y-250.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P4 X171.01 Y-469.85 Z-99999 H0 G30 P5 X-171.01 Y-469.85 Z-99999 H0 G30 P6 X-433.01 Y-250.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P7 X-492.40 Y86.82 Z-99999 H0 G30 P8 X-321.39 Y383.02 Z-99999 H0 G30 P9 X0.00 Y250.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P10 X216.51 Y125.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P11 X216.51 Y-125.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P12 X0.00 Y-250.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P13 X-216.51 Y-125.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P14 X-216.51 Y125.00 Z-99999 H0 G30 P15 X0 Y0 Z-99999 S6
Yes, for a delta you would put it in homedelta.g, or possibly at the end of bed.g instead if you normally auto calibrate before printing.
I have noticed only now a typo! that is why it wasn't working for me
I Was using G92 S1 instead of G29 S1