About to order second DuetEthernet
I love the board, got one since February but was so busy that I didn't start the assembly until this month. Perfect board for my new corexy build. but I do notice that it is v1.02 board instead of v1.03.
If I order one more DuetEthernet today (for my delta printer), is it certain that I will get an updated v1.03 board. That extra fan protection seems interesting.
Ps. My old board has one fan mosfet blown-up. could I send it back for repair or is there any option available? I live in Thailand btw.
Depends on where you order it, but Duet3D and the larger resellers (Filastruder, etc) should all be v1.03. But you could contact whoever you'd like to purchase from directly to ask.
I ordered mine directly from duet3d. I'm sending mail directly to them now.
just got a reply. They are supplying v1.03 now.