Error: Heating fault on heater 1 (Solved)
Getting Error: Heating fault on heater 1
Where can I find a setting in the config.g file that will let me push whatever upper limit there is just a little higher? I have tried setting it to 290 but notice it doesn't accept that temp. Would be nice to set it just a little higher, or change the range for the sensor so it allows slightly larger temperature swings
v085 board, 24v 40w cartridge heater, E3D Volcano clone with 2.25mm nozzle running 2.85mm translucent green E-Sun PETG at 285 degrees, getting excellent layer adhesion, clarity and overall print quality.

Ran this Gcode:
M303 H1 S285
PMHeater 1 model: gain 349.7, time constant 130.7, dead time 6.8, max PWM 1.00, calibration voltage 0.0, mode PID, inverted no, frequency default
Computed PID parameters for setpoint change: P9.8, I0.327, D46.7
Computed PID parameters for load change: P9.8,
PMAuto tune heater 1 completed in 219 sec
Use M307 H1 to see the result, or M500 to save the result in config-override.g
PMAuto tune phase 3, peak temperature was 247.6
PMAuto tune phase 2, heater off
PMAuto tune phase 1, heater on
PMAuto tuning heater 1 using target temperature 240.0°C and PWM 1.00 - do not leave printer unattended
PMConnection established!Edit: Didn't help, still overshot 285 up to about 292 and triggered Error: Heating fault on heater 1...
Also tried M303 H1 S285 but it defaults to S200 automatically
Any ideas? What am I missing? Any way to just set temps in Duet over 285?
M143 H1 S320 sets the max temperature to 320
I added this to config.g just before the extruder PID section and it seems to work
When I run M303 H1 S320 it completed successfully, I added it's suggested PID values to config.g
The next print came out perfect, and there we no heater faults.
So the answer in this case is add M143 H1 S320 to the config.g file and auto-tune the heater with M303 H1 S320.