G53 command
@dc42: Normally M25 calls the pause.g and M24 resume.g if present. In there is my spindle stop / retract and my spindle start / re-approach code. However the pause command called by M915 seems not to execute those procedures (that is why I called them explicitly which as you predicted didn't work either). Is there a reason for this?
On a 3D printer it isn't necessarily appropriate to run the full pause/resume routine. If you want to run the full routine on your CNC then you could put M98 Ppause.g at the start of your rehome.g file, and M98 Presume.g at the end.
@dc42: ok, thank you!
PS: ...regarding G53 I checked Heidenhain and Sinumerik.
- Heidenhain uses G53 in a different context (selecting a WCS from a table of WCS). However the equivalent to our G53 are M91/M92. The allow for relative positioning. Tool length and other compensations are not respected. They are used for positioning the machine on specific positions on their axis as for tool change, etc.
Sinumerik: Seems to use G53 just a another predefined coordinate system from the machine even including tool compensation. By adding D0 tool compensation can be deactivated tough. However for the purpose of tool change Sinumerik provides the G74/G75 commands. But they are used a bit differently as you can predefine machine specific points than then are selected with these commands.