Firmware 2.02RC6 released
I've just released this at If you are already running 2.02RC5 then there should be no significant surprises, otherwise be sure to read the upgrade notes.
Please provide feedback on this release as follows:
- To report that this release is working well for you and/or that it fixes bugs you encountered in previous releases, please post in this thread
- To report an issue that is new to this release, or that a bug that should be fixed in this release (according to the whatsnew file) is still present, create a new thread with a title of the form "2.02RC6 issue: ...", or if someone else has already created such a thread describing the same issue, post in that thread.
Seems to work OK.
Does it make sense to pin this announcement? I found the announcement and discussion on RC5 a lot higher up in the list than this announcement.
With this release, I get every few seconds the message:
The connection between the browser and your machine has been interrupted.
Reason: Host unreachable
Please wait while a new connection is being established...
It is almost impossible to connect to the machine properly / send a gcode...
Sometimes the machine doesn'T respond at all... (e.g. if you try to send a M122, it is displayed but I don't get a result (see picture)
I now tried to go back to RC5 and uploaded this firmware... Now the same results and I am even unable to change the language to german! Now I am afraid that my Duet is crashed???
I don't think the change is due to the upgrade to RC6, I suspect the cause is a change in the WiFi environment - assuming you were already running DuetWiFiServer 1.21 and DWC 1.22.5 before the upgrade.
An M140 used without parameters simply reviews the bed temperature. Whereas if I look in the G-code documentation it should put the bed back in active mode, right?
M140 S50 R0; bed temperature setting
M144; standby bed
M140; returns the bed temperature but no reactivation of the bed.I am in RC6 I have not tried another version of the firmware.
@christophe76350 said in Firmware 2.02RC6 released:
An M140 used without parameters simply reviews the bed temperature. Whereas if I look in the G-code documentation it should put the bed back in active mode, right?
It was the M144 documentation that said M140 without parameters makes the bed active again, but that was incorrect. Use M144 S1 to make the bed active again, or use M140 Snn to set the bed temperature again.
Thank you for your answer M144 S1 works.
Completed a 16 hour print without issues.
Can I just ask if anyone has used pause and resume successfully with RC6?
I'm not sure that a problem exists in RC6, however, I upgraded yesterday and was printing calibration cubes to make some changes to fix an infill problem. On 2 different prints I hit paused to check the infill pattern and when I resumed the hotend returned to a point above its last location and continued printing. Like it skipped a layer completely.
Has anyone seen anything like that with RC6?
I'll go back to RC5 and try it again.
@insertnamehere rc5 had an issue with pause and resume where some moves were not completed successfully. Check the rc5 thread for details. I have tested pause and resume on rc6 and it seems to behave normally again.
What do you have in your pause.g and resume.g macros?
@phaedrux Thanks, that's good to know it is not the firmware.
I'll check my Z axis for binding, most likely a mechanical problem. -
Hi David
in progress with my Scara
Homing okTest print prtial ok
print ok but in relative position compared to homingAfter print i test this macro file content to debug:
G28 G90 ;Absolute Positioning G1 X150 Y150 F2500ยทยทยทยท Return error on G1: M98 P"0:/macros/test" Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits
Second test:
G28 G90 ;Absolute Positioning G1 X150 Y150 F2500 G1 X0 Y0 F2500 Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits 16:24:50 M98 P"0:/macros/test" Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits
the arm does the homing, then it makes a mistake, it moves in relative coordinates and not absolute in x150 / y150 (partial ok, not absolu)
but afterwards it is supposed to go to x0 / y0, and it goes to x0 / y300 ???I think the concern is there is an inverted axis?
I think that since the beginning of my tests on 2.02RCx the problem with the absolute movements is here!
After the latest update to RC6 and web interface 1.22.5 I am getting this error every time I leave the page open for more than 10-15 mins.
Also sometimes I click on a gcode to start printing, I click on the confirmation message but it does nothing, like I never selected it. I have to do an emergency stop and click on the gcode once again to get it going.
@ckostikas that's a feature of OSX to alert you to apps that are using resources. I'm not sure but I think you can tell it to ignore certain apps.
Have you tried chrome?
@phaedrux No I haven't but I'll give it a go.
The thing is that the browser lags after that and the safari just consumes all my RAM so I was thinking maybe a bug on web interface or something just because I didn't have anything similar before updating to rc6 and 1.22.5.
Hi there,
I'm still not able to upload files to my duet wifi, I'm using latest firmwares, duetwifiserver is still the old 1.21.
Still using cisco access points and linux computers, still loads of tcp dup, tcp retransmission, tcp window full...
and no single issue with a raspberry 10cm away connected to the same ap...I guess it's not enough just to use a esp8266 and expect it to work in a lot of different environments.
I've been uploading gcodes and firmware through the usb serial port for a while now, not the end of the world...
Happy Xmas.
@lolorc Sorry to hear that. Does your access point have a good 2.4Ghz band?
i see the release notes for RC07, but no RC07 files
@mikebridge said in Firmware 2.02RC6 released:
i see the release notes for RC07, but no RC07 files
I hope to release RC7 later today.