Hi David,
yes same problem,
now homing is ok
G28 no longer returns errors 
But move absolute return error ...
Test Firmware Version: 2.02RC7(RTOS) (2018-12-22b2):
G90 ;Absolute Positioning
G1 X0 F2500
Return error: 15:40:30 M98 P"0:/macros/test" Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits
all movements in absolute mode return an error x/y/z...
My config and homing files:
config.g http://dl.free.fr/j7UVd31UF
homeall.g http://dl.free.fr/usibxoSpf (hominig error on "G1 Z10 F250" if i remove no errors)
Reminder everything works perfectly with 1.21RC3