Help to understand what is going on...
Printer type: Cartesian (Replicator/FlashForge clone)
DuetWifi 1.04 FW 2.02
Material: PETG, temp 230C, bed 80C first layer, after - 70C
Slicer: Simplify3D 4.1.1
Layer height 0.2mm, 2 outlines, 3/3 bottom/top layers, speed 50-70(tried both), outlines/infill/bridges 71% from main speed.
Print fan ON
Pressure Advance is OFFJerk XY 600, accel XY 2000 and 600(tried both)
Everything prints good, good retractions, good bridges and etc but getting the nose of 3Dbenchy like melting... If i try 220C nose will be a bit better but layer adhesion is almost gone. And nose melting do not depend from bed temp.
What kind of part cooling fan do you have?
I'm thinking that it can't reach or has a difficult time to reach that spot and cool it. -
@r3play I have made it for turbofan. Maybe you could be right and I need to change it's design...
Maybe ditch the side vents and just make two large slits on the opposite ends.
@r3play bulls eye! Thanks for your idea
Redone my cooling fan and now everything is good even at 70mm/s with PETG
@wyvern This worked:
@briskspirit Awesome to hear!
It was a wild guess from my side, but it seems I was right -
My ft5 was useless with one 360 blower. It would cool the nozzle so much it would error or the layers were like stacks of straw.
@wyvern Mmm... explain please. Which one are you using now?
I was using a backpack blower on the stock hotend which was too high on the block. Someone made a modified one for the Volcano hotend and that worked perfectly, I have since switched to a MK10 hotend and now use a Thorped turbine cooler that works well, however because I had to mirror the part, I couldn't use the stock fan mounting position, I Macgyvered it with some blue tack- hey, 100 hours later and it's still firmly attached.
One day I will design my own, but my cad skills are still pretty limited.