In addition to Conditionals, loops and maths ......
I addition to Conditionals, loops and maths in GCode commands getting added to the firmware would it be possible to add variables for temporary storage?At least 6-10 variables. Maybe like H0 thru H9. That way when probing locations in X,Y & Z I can store those values, use them in the new math commands to solve locations. They could just be local variables that aren't saved after shut down.
Example to locate X offset of tool 1 on my IDEX machine. I can probe in X minus direction until It hits, store the X coordinate in H0.
Probe in the positive direction until it hits, store that X coordinate in H1.
store the result of H0-H1 in H2. code H2=H0-H1
Then send H1 to my G10 offset for T1. code G10 P1 X(H1).
IMO storage of values like coordinates, and maybe temperatures and being able to use them directly in GCodes would be a great benefit.
Yes variables will be supported.
Sweet! Thank you.