I vote for a simple hour meter.

Best posts made by timcurtis67
RE: Total hours of operation/printing feature.
RE: Dual hotend, one motor possible?
It should be possible to do this with a Duet. Just configure each tool (hotend) with the same extruder drive number in the config file. The only tricky part is reversing the drive direction. Once it is set in the config file you will need to change the direction in your tool change files.
If your extruder drive is 4 then you will need a M569 P4 S1 in the tool change file for tool 0 and then a M569 P4 S0 in the change file for tool 1.
Or they could be opposite depending on your dive setup but the idea is it changes the drive direction at the time of the tool change.
RE: Core XY firmware.
I have a DBot.
Here is my config file and my homing files.I use a BL Touch on this machine so the Z axis is homed with it.
Hope this helps you.
RE: Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?
@DIY-O-Sphere said in Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?:
@justinds89 said in Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?:
1 - BLTouch when turning on the printer will sometimes just blink red and not deploy/retract probe.
I had exactly the same issue, that was driving me crazy....
Check the Pin
"Try loosening or tightening the set screw slightly to adjust the trigger sensitivity."The description how to set up the srew is in the manual
In the end a quarter turn had reliably solved the problem.+1 that fixed my issue I had with one of my BL's doing the same thing.
RE: RepRapFirmware 2.0beta1 available
@dc42 said in RepRapFirmware 2.0beta1 available:
Tim, I can confirm that in 2.0beta1 when a G0 command follows a G1 command with extrusion, the G0 command repeats the extrusion. I have fixed it and I will release a new beta tonight or tomorrow.
Great! I will watch for the update and try it out asap. Not sure where you get the time to keep up with these updates but I thank you sincerely.
RE: More channels
@klcjr89 said in More channels:
Does the Duet Maestro qualifiy as 'next generation' of Duets? The Revolve has me interested but I am not brand loyal and have been in all the camps. Marlin (yuck), Smoothieware, Repetier, Klipper.
The thing I like about the Revolve is it allows you to get rid of an external Raspberry Pi which people (and me) use for 1080p live streaming of the printer with, for example, a Logitech C920 USB webcam, as the IP camera solution isn't really great at all.
My only comment here is based on the Replicape board I have on my smaller printer. The board itself works okay, Not great just okay. The documentation and the firmware are just not very good at all. They are making a new Revolve board and still haven't gotten the firmware right yet for even the Repilcapes. Buyer beware, make sure you are very good in hacking firmware if you want to take on one of those boards. Not all the features will work yet. Updates are slow and far between.
I've been waiting for 3 years for some good updates that only take days or weeks for the Duet boards.....
RE: Can I store and read values from card
@dc42 said in Can I store and read values from card:
It's possible in a macro file to create and write data to a different macro file using the M559 command. Then you could execute the file from config.g. So you could use this method if you used only a few different settings of the RGB LEDs. When conditional GCode, variables and the object model are implemented, you will be able to do a lot more.
Can't wait for this option.
RE: Microstepping in relation to deviation?
@phaedrux said in Microstepping in relation to deviation?:
You get to use interpolation
To avoid confusion, I believe @jackatom74 is refering to a 16 tooth pulley. Not 1/16 microstepping.
RE: Make use of variables
@dc42 said in Make use of variables:
This week I have been designing a mechanism for conditional and looping GCode with variables. I will publish the proposal soon.
Sweet! I've been waiting for this feature.
RE: nozzle wipe
@deckingman said in nozzle wipe:
@arhi For info, I'm currently working on a better "bucket". What I mean by that is with a mixing hot end, I sometimes have to purge as well as wipe. That purged plastic has to be collected, otherwise it would end up getting onto the belt that drives the lead screws. My current "bucket" is too shallow and I have to empty it more often than I would like.
Conditional g code on the horizon.... If bucket.purge == full then empty.
Latest posts made by timcurtis67
Ajax error when loading large to duet2
Our company bought a Fusion3 F410 recently. I recommended it because it uses a Duet2 controller board. I have a few in my printers at home.Anyway when we try to upload a large program 40+ meg we keep getting an ajax error.
The DWC uploads, says upload complete. But then goes into an ajax error right away. Every time I reconnect to the printer it say the same ajax error and disconnects.
I know fusion is behind on there firmware levels. I can't tell what version they are actually on because it is "their own firmware". The date is from 2015 and I can see many good features missing compared to my firmware level I am running at home.
Anyway, Is there or was there ever a file size limit on print programs? Is it a bad sd card?
Any thoughts?
P.S. It does the same thing with a 20 meg program. I have never had issues at home with files sizes in the past?
RE: Automating Sequenced Prints and Repetitions
Nice work. I'm looking forward to trying some of this out.I run some fairly large production runs on my printers.
Thank you for sharing this.
RE: Problems with the z axis
Are you using Z hop with your retracts? It looks like a serious mechanical issue with your Z axis. Something is either loose or binding.I would start checking all mechancial connections related to Z axis. Stepper mounts, coupler's or pullys. Loose lead screw, lead screw nut loose or stripped. ect,
RE: Z axis: ball screws vs belts
I have a 450mm X 450mm bed (.250" thick) on 2 lead screws with 8mm travel per revolution. They are the 4 start style lead screws. I drive it with a nema 23 stepper.No issues with the bed dropping when the power is off but I can push it down with some slight pressure.
RE: Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints
Different extruders shouldn't matter if the are calibrated correctly.So if you just print the tower with tool 0 and then print a tower with the other tool 1 do they both look the same? Do they both have the same measurements when compared?
RE: Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints
@visionary said in Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints:
All layers are printed counter clockwise.
My printing extruder temperatures vary quite a bit, maybe about 4-6 degrees of overshoot and 3-4 degrees max under. I'll try add extra waiting commands (maybe about 10s) after each temperature reach to test how this affects print quality. For some reason Auto PID tuning didn't give very good results for my heaters, but I'll try run it again.
Print material is ABS with 242 Celsius temp.
Both towers are printed separately with only one extruder extruding at once.
I try not use Z-hop and other backlash causing settings on Z-axis.
I probably should re-tune PA, although it used to be ok.
Also you need a good PID tune first on both heads to get good printed parts. Why wasn't autotune working well? What errors did you get?
RE: Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints
@visionary So your heads are set the same off of the table? No G10 Z offset for Tool1?
RE: Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints
@visionary said in Bad print quality with dual prints vs. single extruder prints:
For some reason my prints that use both extruders look awful. Corners look more jagged and even straight lines are not consistent from layer to layer.
I printed two one wall towers (taller tower in the picture) about 50mm apart from each other and used extruder 0 for the other and extruder 1 for the other. The other tower was about 40% shorter (extr0 tower). It is easy to see at which height the other tower was completed.
Printer I use is Duet 3 with RRF 3.2 configured to IDEX.
I can't figure what could cause this.
Did you print 2 towers at the same time (ditto printing)?
Or were you switching heads for each tower by level?
I ditto print all the time with my IDEX with no issues.
If you are printing by switching heads then are the heads even off of the bed or do you have an offset in one of them? You could have a Z backlash issue. The heads are constantly changing the Z axis for the tool offsets.
The other issues on the part look like pressure advance settings to me.
RE: Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?
@DIY-O-Sphere said in Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?:
@justinds89 said in Can Anyone Share Their HEVO Configs?:
1 - BLTouch when turning on the printer will sometimes just blink red and not deploy/retract probe.
I had exactly the same issue, that was driving me crazy....
Check the Pin
"Try loosening or tightening the set screw slightly to adjust the trigger sensitivity."The description how to set up the srew is in the manual
In the end a quarter turn had reliably solved the problem.+1 that fixed my issue I had with one of my BL's doing the same thing.