Maestro LAN issue
I have a problem with my LAN.
When I connect my Maestro to the Fritz Box I can access the board. But if I use the laptop directly via LAN or another router I can't establish the connection. But as soon as the Fritz Box comes into play it works again. What am I doing wrong? -
did you set a static ip in maestro? on a direct connection the dhcp server is missing so the maestro will not get an ip.
Yes it is static ip.
also for a direct connection you might need a crossover lan cable, depending on whether your laptop supports autosensing.
Yes i use the cross over LAN cabel for the direkt connection and if i will use the Hub the normal LAN cable.
Somehow it must be related to DHCP. The Router write " Broadcasting Dhcp_discover", but why is that if I put the Fritzbox on the router?
It works:
After changing the Static ip.
New: M552 P192.168.1.121 S1
Old: M552 P192.168.178.121 S1I think it comes from the Router.