X5SA DuetWifi - Common Problems and Fixes.
We'll need your config.g and homing files.
Usaually grinding against the endstops, means the firmware thinks the endstop is never triggered.
when i do the tests and it prompts to press x endstop, it sees it.
But when i home, its ignores it.
Assuming motors are wired as the duet expects...
Power off machine.
Manually move machine slowly to ensure limit switches are touched.
Move head to middle of x, y, z travel.
Power on machine.
Send gcode G92 X0 Y0 Z0.
Use the web control to nudge each axis in small movements to ensure it moves in the correct direction.
While in a position where no limit switches are triggered send M119 to endure the firmware agrees that no endstop is triggered.
Press and hold each endstop switch in turn and send M119 and ensure the limit switch is recognised on the firmware, and is correctly at the min or max travel.
Home each axis in turn ensuring the axis moves toward the switch. -
We'll need to see config and homing files if my previous post doesn't help.
@doctrucker will try tonight and post results.
To save other people searching this is the machine:
330mm in x and z, 400 in z. Appears to be a core xy belt pattern.
If you've not seen the following it's worth a read:
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@doctrucker Home X and Home Y seem to be working now.
However Home Z sends the Bed down(+) instead of up(-) towards the hot end. -
How did you get on following the list of checks I suggested? Where did it go wrong?Edit: writing while you posted!
Try running I0 on M558 in the config file?
If you look on the web control it displays the reading from the probe. If it doesn't menyion the probe on the endstop status check there.
You wang to ensure it triggers at the right level manually before using it automatically.
If it is triggered when it shouldn't be and not triggered when it should be (according to dwc or firmware rather than light on probe) then the I on M558 is inverted.
...but it will raise a little before diving as defined by the dive height.
"When using mesh bed compensation or running G30 commands with specified XY coordinates (for example from the bed.g file), the firmware moves the Z probe to this height above where it expects the bed to be before commencing probing."
@doctrucker said in X5SA DuetWifi - Common Problems and Fixes.:
didn't help. Z dives when hitting homez.
Have you tested and calibrated the Z probe? https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Test_and_calibrate_the_Z_probe
@chriskimbr more than 5mm? Leave the I setting as it was if the duet was reporting it triggered when it should be.
homex works great
homey works greathomez sloooowly dives to bottom and grinds into it.
Do you mean it is forcing the nozzle into the bed, or the elevator to it's maximum travel position away from the nozzle?
Move (manually if needbe) the machine so that the nozzle is ~10mm from the bed.
Using the nudge buttons when you press +1mm does the gap between the nozzle and platform get larger or smaller?
If smaller then you need to invert the drive direction.