New PanelDue 1.16beta1 firmware
I've released new PanelDue beta firmware at - note, this is not the same location as before. To download it, follow the link to the version appropriate to your screen size, then press Download.
The changes in this version are:
- Baby stepping buttons are added on the Print tab when a print is running (needs ReoRapFirmware 1.18beta1 to work)
- The positions of file left scroll button and card select button are exchanged on the SD Card Files page
- Bed standby temperature is now settable
- Nozzle icons that are in excess of the number of consecutively-numbered tools on your printer are hidden
- Translations of captions and messages into Spanish, German and French. The French and Spanish ones are incomplete.
- When using the dark theme, the icons are easier to read than before
- Added emergency stop button. Please note, response to this button may be delayed if your Duet is still executing another command that was sent by PanelDue. This will be addressed in the future.
- The firmware is now built in Eclipse instead of in Atmel Studio
- Major refactoring to make it easier to do customization for OEMs
- Preliminary support for host firmware other than RepRapFirmware
Hi David,
I've installed this firmware on a 4.3" Paneldue 1. All seems to be working fine. I'll have a play with the babystepping later but all seems to be working well for now. I like the de-cluttered look now that the extra heaters have been removed. Is it possible to remove the bed in the same way? I've just tried adding M140 S-1 to the config but it doesn't seem to remove the icon on the paneldue and the web interface just says "fault" under the bed control.
One final observation. Is it possible to use the awesome firmware update routine built into the DuetWiFi to update paneldue? It would be so nice if I didn't have to mess with bossac, usb cables and erase/reset combos. As these things go, Paneldue updating isn't that bad, it's just that DuetWiFi is that good!
Keep up the great work.
David M
I haven't tried the new version yet, but had a question on the previous version. When I was testing my switching hotend, I noticed if tool 0 was active and I pressed the icon for tool 1, it immediately did the full filament swap (pre, free, post) to tool 1. However, if I hit tool 0 to change back it would only run pre/free. To load the filament it tool an extra press on the tool 0 icon.
In addition, is there a way on the paneldue to indicate which tool is active?
Is there a way to save a pre-set value for the bed and the hot end temperature without compiling a custom firmware? Every time the machine is restarted, I have to manually press the up button to get to the right temperature to manually pre-heat the bed and the hot end. It would be nice to have a feature to save a default value or a pulldown menu to show pre-set values similar to the web interface.
I haven't tried the new version yet, but had a question on the previous version. When I was testing my switching hotend, I noticed if tool 0 was active and I pressed the icon for tool 1, it immediately did the full filament swap (pre, free, post) to tool 1. However, if I hit tool 0 to change back it would only run pre/free. To load the filament it tool an extra press on the tool 0 icon.
In addition, is there a way on the paneldue to indicate which tool is active?
That sounds odd to me. When you select and/or deselect a tool, the tfree file for the previously selected tool (if any) is run, then the tpre and tpost files for the new tool are run. The exception is that if one or more axes is not homed, the file sare not run.
You can tell which heaters are active because the current temperature is shown with a red background. I am open to suggestions for how to show which tool is active, bearing in mind the limited space available.
Is there a way to save a pre-set value for the bed and the hot end temperature without compiling a custom firmware? Every time the machine is restarted, I have to manually press the up button to get to the right temperature to manually pre-heat the bed and the hot end. It would be nice to have a feature to save a default value or a pulldown menu to show pre-set values similar to the web interface.
I use a macro called "Prepare PLA" to set the bed and nozzle to the required temperatures.
Is there a way to save a pre-set value for the bed and the hot end temperature without compiling a custom firmware? Every time the machine is restarted, I have to manually press the up button to get to the right temperature to manually pre-heat the bed and the hot end. It would be nice to have a feature to save a default value or a pulldown menu to show pre-set values similar to the web interface.
I use a macro called "Prepare PLA" to set the bed and nozzle to the required temperatures.
And one can also set the bed and hot end temperatures using the start gcode in your slicer, so that every time you print a particular object, the temperatures will be set without any other user interaction. I put a home all command in my start gcode as well, so if I want to print something, I just select the file, hit print and walk away.
I haven't tried the new version yet, but had a question on the previous version. When I was testing my switching hotend, I noticed if tool 0 was active and I pressed the icon for tool 1, it immediately did the full filament swap (pre, free, post) to tool 1. However, if I hit tool 0 to change back it would only run pre/free. To load the filament it tool an extra press on the tool 0 icon.
In addition, is there a way on the paneldue to indicate which tool is active?
That sounds odd to me. When you select and/or deselect a tool, the tfree file for the previously selected tool (if any) is run, then the tpre and tpost files for the new tool are run. The exception is that if one or more axes is not homed, the file sare not run.
You can tell which heaters are active because the current temperature is shown with a red background. I am open to suggestions for how to show which tool is active, bearing in mind the limited space available.
I can't swap tools when my delta is homed, due to moving to a "purge zone" in the tfreeX.g file.
I usually move down 100mm, then swap. Doing that and going to tool 1 works fine. I don't rehome or anything, just swap to tool0 (for filament loading I do 1, then 0), perhaps that's my issue.
I can't swap tools when my delta is homed, due to moving to a "purge zone" in the tfreeX.g file.
I usually move down 100mm, then swap. Doing that and going to tool 1 works fine. I don't rehome or anything, just swap to tool0 (for filament loading I do 1, then 0), perhaps that's my issue.
What I meant was that the tool change files are not run if the printer is flagged as "not homed" i.e. the printer doesn't know where the head is because you haven't homed it since you started it. So if you have previously homed the printer and not turned the motors off since then, it doesn't matter where the head is when you change tools.
I haven't tried the new version yet, but had a question on the previous version. When I was testing my switching hotend, I noticed if tool 0 was active and I pressed the icon for tool 1, it immediately did the full filament swap (pre, free, post) to tool 1. However, if I hit tool 0 to change back it would only run pre/free. To load the filament it tool an extra press on the tool 0 icon.
In addition, is there a way on the paneldue to indicate which tool is active?
That sounds odd to me. When you select and/or deselect a tool, the tfree file for the previously selected tool (if any) is run, then the tpre and tpost files for the new tool are run. The exception is that if one or more axes is not homed, the file sare not run.
You can tell which heaters are active because the current temperature is shown with a red background. I am open to suggestions for how to show which tool is active, bearing in mind the limited space available.
I can't swap tools when my delta is homed, due to moving to a "purge zone" in the tfreeX.g file.
I usually move down 100mm, then swap. Doing that and going to tool 1 works fine. I don't rehome or anything, just swap to tool0 (for filament loading I do 1, then 0), perhaps that's my issue.
Why not move down 100mm at the end of your homedelta.g file?
This is probably the one thing I liked about marlin rc8 on a delta it automatically moves down to a carriage position which allows full effector movement after homing.
I'll have to think about that. Not sure if I always want to move down or not.
Excellent, great update, no issues.
Hi David.
Are there any instructions for setting up eclipse to build this? I'm hoping its easier than setting up eclipse for building the Duet firmware as I never managed to get that to work.
Hi David.
Are there any instructions for setting up eclipse to build this? I'm hoping its easier than setting up eclipse for building the Duet firmware as I never managed to get that to work.
How long ago did you try to set up Eclipse for building RRF? It used to be much more difficult than it is now because of the need to use the temperamental Arduino plugin.
I use the same configuration (including cross gcc compiler) to build PanelDue that I use to build RRF and associated projects, just a different workspace.
Probably last November I last had a go. Never managed to get it compile anything though
updated and no issues. very nice improvements.
Quick question in regards to updating. I hit erase and reset while plugged into my pc with a usb cable that only provides power. Now I cannot install the same driver I used for the Duet. Am I missing something?
As well, I cannot figure out how to download the windows version of Bossa. My pc always prompts me with it cannot open the .gz file.
You can find the Windows version of bossac in the Tools folder of my github RepRapFirmware repository. I don't think you need a driver if you are running Windows 10.
I have upgraded and noticed that Paneldue does often stop to read the temp while the webinterface displays temp correctly..