External driver leadshine em705 gives a mixture of layers
X-axis offset occurs with the leadshine em705 driver.
If I use the Drv8825 driver, then there are no offsets. microstep 16.
What i use
- Arduino DUE control board + RURAMPS4D
- Digital driver leadshine em705 stepper motor.
- 48 Volt driver power.
- Power logic driver 5 volts. I use MKS sd 57/86
- kinematika printer Cartesian.
- The table goes up Z.
My changes in the config.
M569 P0 S1 T10: 10: 30: 30
M569 P1 S1 T5:10:10:0 ;Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S1 T5:10:10:0 ;Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S1 T5:10:10:0 ;Drive 3 goes forwards
M569 P4 S1 T5:10:10:0 ;Drive 4 goes forwards
M569 P5 S1 T5:10:10:0 ;Drive 5 goes forwardsM584 X0 Y1:2 Z3:4 E5 ;
M92 X177.77
M566 X900.00
M203 X12000.00
M201 X1000.00I tried different timings M569 P0 S1 T5: 10: 10: 0.
There were no changes. No speakers.There is a very interesting detail.
If I increase the micro step, then the offset becomes less.
But it remains.There are no problems in mechanics. Most likely, the impulses of step or delay dir are wrong.
The manual you linked indicates that the driver requires minimum 10us pulse width (first T value), while you have set to 5us.
Tilting usually has to do with the dir setup or hold values being inadequate. Bump these up a bit.
If you still have issues try increasing the values to something ridiculous to see if it corrects the lean. If it works, then reduce to get performance back. Something like
M569 Pn S1 T20:20:100:100
to start. -
Are you sure that the step pulse polarity to the Leadshine is correct? That is, when +3.3V appears on the STEP output from the MCU on the Due, your interface applies 5V between PUL+ and PUL-? If you have it the other way round (i.e. you get 5V between PUL+ and PUL- when the step signal is at 0V) then the setup and hold times won't be applied correctly.
I had exactly the same issue on my Leadshine ES-D508. I was using the Duet Expansion Breakout Board for my drivers. And I also noticed the layer shifting becoming less as I increase the micro step, which makes sense, the more distance a single micro step takes, the more layer shift it would cause if it's not recognized by the driver or if it stepped to the wrong direction.
I was force to use the integrated stepper drivers but would love to get the external ones working some day.