@markz Thank you!

Best posts made by jimakron
Latest posts made by jimakron
G93 not working
G93 was working, but now it isn't. I did update to 3.4.6 and now G93 doesn't work.
Thinking that the update made it unsupported, I went back to 3.4.5, still doesn't work. Went back to 3.4.0, still doesn't work.Why was G93 supported, but now it isn't?
Does any mode support it?Thank you
RE: Proximity sensor for rotary home switch
@dc42 Thank you!
I switched to the NPN NO sensor.
Am I still able to use this in the IO_3? Connecting the ground to the IO_3 GND, the power to 12/24v supply, and the signal to IO_3 IN? Still using the same config? M574 A1 S1 P"!io3.in"?TIA
Proximity sensor for rotary home switch
I have a Duet3 mini5+, using a PNP NC proximity sensor currently using the IO_3.in using the 5V_EXT, GND and IN pin.
The sensor has a light that is lit when not sensing anything and 5V is read from this. When sensing, the light goes out and it goes to 0V.
My config for it is M574 A1 S1 P"!io3.in".
The axis rotates according to the homea.g file, but never stops at switch.I've searched for an answer but have not found any.
Anyone have any ideas as to why it isn't stopping at the home switch?
Duet3 mini5+ pwm frequency limitation
I have a laser that has a frequency from 0-20khz. Is there any limitations from the duet3 mini5+ board that would keep me from using the full 20khz?
Software for Duet3 6XD
I am thinking about getting the Duet3 6XD and I'm wanting to know what kind of software is needed?
The software I'm looking for is going to be similar to Mach3 or Mach4 or something like LaserGRBL, software that can be loaded with custom g-code and be executed. Thank you.