I tried another SD card with the appropriate folders and new configuration files and I can now connect to the web interface. I guess it was just a bad SD card. Thank you!

Latest posts made by TodaysTomSawyer
RE: Setting up a Duet 2 Maestro
RE: Setting up a Duet 2 Maestro
I tried your previous method which did not work. I found an SD card reader and moved the files over from the reprap tool. After following the steps again, I receive "Your duet rejected the HTTP request: page not found" in my browser. I looked into this error and saw another thread asking to try M39 to see if the board sees the SD card. I get "M39: No SD card mounted in slot 0" even though my SD card is in the slot.
RE: Setting up a Duet 2 Maestro
I was not aware I had to have an SD card reader on my PC to use this board. I'll try to find one and report back if it does not work. Thank you.
Setting up a Duet 2 Maestro
I'm having a hard time understanding how to set up this board. I have followed the "Getting Connected" guide from unboxing to the web interface, and I cannot get the web interface to open. I receive an IP address in YAT when I type M552. When I type M552 S1 (per the guide), I do not receive a response after 30 seconds. When I try the address from M552, or the duettest.local link in the guide, nothing opens.
It does mention something about me setting up DHCP when I configure RepRapFirmware, but the guide does not go through doing that prior to this step. It seems to me you have to be connected to the interface to upload files, but you have to upload files to connect to the web interface??? Circular logic...