I recently converted my CR10S Pro to a Duet Wifi and I'm looking for suggestions for a reliable Z-Probe.
I had some amount of success running it with the stock capacitative probe, but was disappointed in the repeatability of that probe, so I installed a BLTouch. That was working alright until today, when after its accuracy went down it stopped triggering until after the nozzle had hit the bed.
I've switched back to the creality probe. After I switched to the BLTouch I discovered the tolerance parameter to M558, so this time around the creality probe is giving me somewhat improved results than before, but I do still find that I need to tweak the z-probe offset or baby stepping at the start of a print.
I'm somewhat frustrated at how finicky the leveling and calibration process is; with both probes, the z-offset seems to vary each time I power cycle the machine. My understanding is that this may be due in part to the lack of synchronization between the the Z steppers, and that I can mod the printer to add a timing belt to keep them in sync when the motors are idle/off.
I'm still new to the world of 3D printing so I'm wondering: what is the least fussy Z-probe? I have a Chimera+ that I'd like to install; I just need to figure out how to mount it, and part of that is to consider the probe too, so now's a really good time to solicit your opinions!