@dc42 Thank you Very much, David, that’s what I was able to realize, once I monitored arm movement. Surprisingly, the same printfile executes properly on my Ultibot DV300, however I see the print head drops a little while waiting for nozzle to heat.
Currently, trying to properly setup QuadFusion printhead, but I will start another thread.

Latest posts made by Butrym
RE: Error: G0/G1 target position not reachable from current position
RE: Error: G0/G1 target position not reachable from current position
I sorted problem by lowering head by 25mm following homedelta. Will test what’s needed for prints starting at the most distal points from center.
RE: Error: G0/G1 target position not reachable from current position
I lowered head by 5mm, but I think for that size of initial move it is not enough.
RE: Error: G0/G1 target position not reachable from current position
M140 S75
M190 S75
This is when print stops. No move. No nozzle heating.
G X49.647 Y17.114 F6000
G4 P0
G X49.647 Y17.114 F6000
G4 P0
M104 S235
M109 S235
Etc -
Error: G0/G1 target position not reachable from current position
Hi everyone, first time posting here, long time lurker though.
I’m re-commissioning my old OpenBeam KosselPro, this time with QuadFusion head, and there are some problems with initiating test print. After heat bed reaches target temperature the print is terminated, showing that error msg. The file is sliced with Kisslicer Premium.
Now, when I slice the same file with Voxelizer, the print starts, head rams into bead but after ~1.8 mm babystepping everything works more or less ok.
The Voxelizer print starts with G1 Z10 and waits about 10mm above bed for bed and head heat up in contrary to Kisslicer’s print that starts with head close to the top. I think there is a room for some code intervention.