Thanks, did move to

Latest posts made by Mito
CNC motor control with ESC with different PSU
I was asked to create a separete thread. I'm building a CNC with duet2 wifi
and the motor is controlled by an ESC controller. My Duet runs on 24V, the motor is using
a different PSU pf 12V.
I searched the forum and want to confirm that this setup is ok, not to fry anything.
For speed control, the ESC requires a servo signal, I hooked that up to a FAN pin.
I did not connect the servo VIN to anything.
Do the two PSUs need to connect the GND together?
Or any other tweaks to the wiring?
Thanks very much for checking. -
RE: Problem controlling a cnc spindle
Re: Problem controlling a cnc spindle
I have a question, my setup is :
Duet2 Wifi running on 24V PSU1
ESC Controller (with a servo connection) running on a different source PSU2 of 12V, connected pins +12v, GND, 1,2,3phases to motor
the ESC controller has a servo plug, do all pins need a connection to Duet? And are the FAN the best pins to use? I dont have an expansion board.
I dont want to blow up the board or the ESC.