Hey guys, had an interesting development in the continued upgrading of my Predator today.
Was having an issue with increasing height returns on smart effector probing so decided to replaced the other two belts that hadn't needed done yet, so i powered off the machine and pulled the plug out of the wall, removed the arm of the machine and replaced the belt, ironically while doing so i noticed the set screw for the stepper had come totally loose!
Anyways, all fixed up, replaced everything back how it goes and power on the machine. No pops, no smoke, lights come on, but printer doesn't come back up on web interface. Cycle it on, off, tug on wires, everything is fine and dandy except i notice this fuse is straight up melted. I pulled the fuse and replaced it and restarted the board to see if the interface will come up and nothing. I get all four lights on the duet but nothing comes up over ethernet, or usb. Any suggestions?