Best posts made by Lightpath
RE: Heat Bed setting off Strain Gauge
For the next person fighting with reprogramming the sensitivity change your M558 command
try C"zprobe.in"TO:
And you'll be able to set the sensitivity. @dc42 Can I add this to the documentation or could a MOD please do it?
RE: Heat Bed setting off Strain Gauge
Oh good lord look at the Gcode dictionary for M558. There it is right there:
"Bn If 1, turn off all heaters while probing, default (B0) leaves heaters on. (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)"
Thank you @dc42
Latest posts made by Lightpath
RE: Heat Bed setting off Strain Gauge
Oh good lord look at the Gcode dictionary for M558. There it is right there:
"Bn If 1, turn off all heaters while probing, default (B0) leaves heaters on. (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)"
Thank you @dc42
RE: Heat Bed setting off Strain Gauge
For the next person fighting with reprogramming the sensitivity change your M558 command
try C"zprobe.in"TO:
And you'll be able to set the sensitivity. @dc42 Can I add this to the documentation or could a MOD please do it?
Heat Bed setting off Strain Gauge
I have a new Duet Smart Effector I bought from Filastruder. I have set it up and it seems to be working well when the heat bed is off. When the heat bed is on, if I get within 100mm of it the strain detector goes off. I know it's the heat bed because I can take everything off of the effector except for the 8 pin connection back to the Duet, and with the heat bed on as soon as I move the empty effector within say 100mm of the heat bed the light comes on and the Z probe reads 1000 in the Duet interface. Here is my setup:
; Z-Probe for Duet Smart Effector
M558 P8 C"^zprobe.in" R0.4 F1200 T5000 H5
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z-0.10 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 R100 S20 ; define mesh gridAnd for the heat bed:
M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B3950 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp
M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; create bed heater output on bedheat and map it to sensor 0
M307 H0 R0.300 C505.0 D1.98 S1.00 V17.6The heat bed is a SeeMeCNC Onyx 300mm bed powered off the Duet at 24 volts.
I've tried manipulating the sensitivity, but when I send M672 S105:50:205 for example, the web interface says the command was successful, however the duet status light doesn't flash like I would expect it to. When the duet is powered on the status LED flashes twice, when I would expect it to flash three times if it was operating normally.
From reading other posts it appears I have no real choice here but to send it back to Filastruder? I bought it in the last month so I'm not concerned with warranty, I just don't leave my apartment much since Covid. Is there no way to use the unpopulated programming header to program it myself? I have pogo pins and headers, is there a way to program it if I can get everything connected, say with the regular Arduino IDE?
Open to any and all suggestions.
One more question- Can I go back to FSRs with the Smart Effector still in place? It's not a bad quick-change platform even without the z-probe.
Thanks very much!