Hi all!
I'm trying to power an external relay switch so that I can supply an external trigger to some hardware I have connected to my CNC setup, however I'm having real trouble getting it going.
I need to draw +5v from the board in order to power the relay, but I really can't see how to set it up. I've spent time scrolling through this forum and looking at blogs on google but I'm drawing a blank on how I supply the two power pins to my relay switch such that I can turn it on and off on command?
Apologies if this is a stupid question, its my first time tinkering with anything like this and I'm doing it for work so really thrown in at the deep end and with time restrictions to work to as well!
So far I've identified the +5V and ground pins from the expansion board, and reading an online blog the PWM fans as a GPIO port but trying to connect them together such that I just have my live and ground going into my two terminals on the relay is confusing me.
Any help or direction to a forum post i may have missed would be very greatfully received 
Many thanks