@Camaro1 Have you recently tried to update the firmware on the Duet board? Your firmware shows quite an old version, 2.05.1. It's possible that you have overwritten the web interface files on the SD card with a newer, incompatible version.

To fix this, download the 'DuetWebControl-SD-2.0.7.zip' from https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/releases/tag/2.05.1
Unzip this, which should give you a folder called 'DuetWebControl-SD-2.0.7' with the following files in it:

css (folder)
fonts (folder)
js (folder)

Rename the 'DuetWebControl-SD-2.0.7' folder to 'www'.
Remove the SD card from the Duet and plug it into your PC.
There should be a folder called 'www' on it. Delete this, and replace it with the 'www' folder you downloaded.
Replace the SD card back in the Duet, and see if you can connect to it.

When copying M122 output from YAT, please change the line break settings, so we can see the whole output. See https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Getting_connected/Getting_connected_to_your_Duet#yat-settings
